Movies by Eleni Hatziargyri

Lily of the Harbor
Captain Giakoumis makes the big decision to forsake the sea and live peacefully close to his wife and his adopted son, Andreas, who is about to sit for examinations in order to become a lieutenant. However, a terrible secret burdens his soul. He has a daughter, Agni, whom he had years ago when he had an affair with Maria, a prostitute from Troumpa. Maria, before she died, expressed the wish that Giakoumis recognize their daughter as his child. He, however, refused, since Agni ended up becoming a prostitute. The girl, to take revenge on her f...

O megalokarharias
Vangelis is a lazy guy who's trying to earn some money to marry his beloved, but he is captured by the police who confused him with a wanted man. Eventually, the true crook is arrested and Vangelis returns to his beloved.

At Night The Entanglements
The funny things that happen through the walking by the neighborhood night shift of a kind policeman.

You Came Too Late
The bond between a young painter and a girl who accidentally encounters a beach finds obstacles because of the information that her father learns about her past, who visits her and persuades her to give up. Based on the story of The Lady with the Camellias.