Movies by Marcos Mundstock

Historias Breves 0: El artista peripatético
Carlos Iraldi is a doctor, but his knowledge and above all his enormous curiosity have led him to stand out in different branches of art such as writing, painting and photography. His fame, however, is due to the ingenious instruments he invented and which have served as support for several shows by the Les Luthiers ensemble.

Formed in 1967 by Gerardo Masana, during the height of a period of very intense Choral Music activity in Argentina's state universities, Les Luthiers premiered this show on Friday, May 13, 2011 at the Astengo Theater, Rosario, Argentina. PROGRAM: 1- Manuel Darío; 2- La Comisión; 3- La Bella y Graciosa Moza Marchose a Lavar la Ropa; 4- Solo Necesitamos; 5- La Hija de Escipión; 6- Bolero de los Celos; 7- Educación Sexual Moderna; 8- La Redención del Vampiro; 9- Encuentro en el Restaurante; 10- Los Jóvenes de Hoy en Día; 11- Rhapsody in Balls....