Movies by James Cruze

The Call of the East

The Call of the East

While visiting Alan, who works in Tokyo, she attends a festival with her Japanese maid while wearing a Japanese kimono. There she meets the wealthy Arai Takada, who is taken by the mysterious woman. Alan has dishonored and betrayed O'Mitsu, and her brother Arai plans a terrible revenge.

The Marble Heart

The Marble Heart

Outside the door of the home of a sculptor and his mother, fell a poor, friendless young girl. They took the girl in and cared for her, and as time went on the mother began to regard her as her daughter. The son regarded the affectionate advances of the girl with only brotherly love. But there came a time when the misgivings of the son changed, for he began to pay scant attentions to a young beauty he met at a reception and who was characterized as a woman with a heart "cold as marble." This piqued the beauty, who was accustomed to abject ad...



She was the first attempt in film to depict the story of H. Rider Haggard's 1886 novel She: A History of Adventure.

The Million Dollar Mystery

The Million Dollar Mystery

This twenty-three episode serial told the story of a secret society called The Black Hundred and its attempts to gain control of a lost million dollars.

The City of Dim Faces

The City of Dim Faces

Chinese merchant Wing Lung and Elizabeth Mendall, an American, marry and have a son named Jang Lung. Because Elizabeth wants Jang Lung to be raised as a Christian, Wing Lung locks her in the cellar and she becomes insane. Jang meets Marcell Matthews at an Eastern university, and she returns with him to San Francisco to be married.

Under the Top

Under the Top

Jimmie, a small-town boy, visits a traveling circus passing through town. he falls in love with Pansy, the daughter of the circus' tightrope walker, after he saves her from a gang of thugs...

The Cat's Paw

The Cat's Paw

In this adventure the diplomatic free-lance and his brilliant aid in war, Nan Tremain, are again pitted against their relentless enemy, Pfaff.

Into the Desert

Into the Desert

An American girl and her father were traveling in the Orient, and there they were joined by the young woman's fiancé. He knew the dangers of the country of old, but the girl laughed at his warnings and believed that the life and property were as safe as it is on Broadway, New York. The girl hired a dragoman, and took an excursion into the desert, despite her sweetheart's most emphatic warning. It does not pay to disregard the advice of the well informed, as the girl soon found to her cost, for the treacherous guide led her into the midst of ...

The Girl of the Grove

The Girl of the Grove

The girl was young, pretty, and also a good businesswoman; When her father died she took up the reins of management and ran an orange grove with successful results. Her capable hands were so busy that she had no time to think of love. One day, however, "the prince" appeared.

Flying to Fortune

Flying to Fortune

A wealthy old man, who has been a semi-invalid for years, is informed by his physician that his case is hopeless. The invalid decides to put "his home in order." Therefore it is a matter of gratification to him when he sees that his only daughter and the young partner in whom he implicitly relies seems to be mutually attracted. The partner is called to Europe just before the doctor gives his verdict, hut the invalid makes "everything all right" in his will. He provides that the bulk of his estate shall go to the girl, if she marries the part...



Southern California locations vividly suggest both elemental pre-Roman Britain and classical Rome. An energetic cinematic pacing and intimacy show rapidly improving narrative technique and realism well beyond the limitations of the stage. Especially cinematic are the bedchamber scene in the first reel, with its intimate cinematography and acting and special lighting effect, and the battle scene of the second reel, considered very effective in its day.



Zudora, not knowing she's an heiress to a $20 million fortune, lives with her uncle, a mystic and detective, who covets her inheritance. She wants to marry John Storm but her uncle is against it. However, the uncle makes a bargain; if Zudora can solve the next twenty mysteries brought to him, she can marry as she chooses. Episodes 1,2 and 8, plus another unidentified chapter, survive. The rest is believed to be lost.

Love's Miracle

Love's Miracle

Wealth does not always bring happiness. The girl was young, rich, but an invalid, and the noted physicians who eared for her shook their heads wisely, and gravely pronounced her cause as one of general ill health, a gradual wasting away. Her one trouble, although the physicians did not suspect it, was that the girl did not really care whether she lived or died.

East Lynne

East Lynne

Based on the novel of the same name by Mrs. Henry Wood (Ellen Wood).



Silas Croft was a kindly old Englishman who had a farm in South Africa. With him resided his two nieces, whom he had taken from their drunken, worthless father when they were of a tender age. Jess, the elder, was brilliant and educated; Bess, the younger was beautiful, but frankly admitted that she did not possess the mental attainments of Jess. The two were great friends, and Jess, although the senior by only three years, had almost a motherly affection for her pretty little sister. Croft, finding old age stealing upon him, advertised for a...

The Woman Who Did Not Care

The Woman Who Did Not Care

A girl, beautiful but heartless and ambitious, was the daughter of a poor miner and was devotedly loved by a man in her own station of life. She accepted his attentions willingly until a young engineer came along and paid court to her. She then dismissed her first suitor. Her father made a lucky strike, and they moved to the city to enjoy their wealth. This sealed the fate of the second suitor for a rich man became smitten with the girl and she accepted his advances. Perhaps she would have married him in time had it not been that she arouse...

For Her Boy's Sake

For Her Boy's Sake

The son of a poor widow fell in love with a heartless showgirl who spurned the simple gifts he gave her. In a moment of desperation he tried to rob the box office of the theater in which he was employed as a stage hand, but was detected by the night watchman who shot and wounded him mortally. Before he expired he wrote a letter to his mother saying, "Many a man is tempted to sin for the woman he loves." The widow in order to maintain herself, obtained work as a scrub woman in an office building where she became acquainted with a prepossessin...

The Idol of the Hour

The Idol of the Hour

The young artist had searched Paris for a suitable model to pose as a shepherdess in a new picture which he hoped would win him fame. But none of the models pleased him, and at last, feeling that he could not do justice to the picture, he decided to postpone his work and take a walking trip through France.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

According to the tale found in the ancient annals, the little town of Hamelin, in Hanover, found itself, five hundred years ago overrun with rats. The citizens tried every way to abate the plague, but without result. Finally a mysterious stranger appeared in the town and offered for the sum of 1000 guilders to clear the place of vermin.

The Caged Bird

The Caged Bird

The beautiful young princess was weary of the formality and ceremony that encompassed her. She had read many books and from them had gained the idea that she would be far happier as a simple peasant than as the daughter of a king. Even when it came to her marriage, she sadly reflected, there was no romance, for her father had arbitrarily contracted an alliance for her with a neighboring prince. The princess was taking her drive one day and was sadder than ever. She saw a wedding procession issue from a neighboring cottage, and pityingly watc...