Movies by Jerry Hsu

Stay Gold

Stay Gold

Stay Gold - The Emerica Video is Emerica's first full-length feature since 2003's This is Skateboarding. Stay Gold features groundbreaking skating from the Emerica Team - Andrew Reynolds, Leo Romero, Bryan Herman, Kevin "Spanky" Long, Jerry Hsu, Braydon Szafranski, Aaron Suski and Brandon Westgate. With incredible skateboarding, psychedelic imagery and thundering music, Stay Gold has set the stage for the introduction of a new skateboarding classic by Emerica.

Bonus Round

Bonus Round

The Tilt Mode Army's Bonus Round video starred Nestor Judkins, Jerry Hsu, Louie Barletta, Jon Choi, Jon Nguyen, Screaming Lord Halba, Matt Eversole, Paul Sharpe, Cairo Foster, Zack Wallin, Jose Rojo and Caswell Berry. Plus appearances by Crazy Eddie, Colt Cannon, Justin Strubing, Marc Johnson, Jesse Erickson, Daryl Angel, Clark Hassler, Ed Devera, Sean Payne, Danny Fuenzalida and more.

Thrasher - Jaded

Thrasher - Jaded

jad·​ed (jā-did) adj. Fatigued by overwork : EXHAUSTED 2. Dulled by oversupply or excess. 3. Cynically or pretentiously callous.— ja-ded·ly adv. — ja-ded·ness n.

Enjoi - Bag of Suck

Enjoi - Bag of Suck

The Bag Of Suck DVD from Enjoi Skateboards. Anything but sucky, this video features Jerry Hsu, Louie Barletta, Caswell Berry and the rest of the Enjoi team.