Movies by Mikhail Mamaev

Naval Cadets III
There is a seven-year war, Russian soldiers are forced to fight for the interests of France and Austria against Prussia. The midshipmen continue to selflessly serve the Motherland. One is on an expedition, the other is at court, and the third is sent to Venice to hand over a jewelry box. In fact, there is a message in the box, on which the future fate of Europe and Russia depends!

Sex Vampire in Russia
A successful photographer is engaged in mystical experiments on pumping various types of energies, including sexual ones.

Naval Cadets 1787. War
The action of the film begins in the Crimea in 1787. Representatives of the Western powers once again begin their intrigues against Russia, but the main characters, former midshipmen, who have already reached a respectable age by this time, and their adult children, stand up to defend their homeland. They have to sail to the Crimea from Malta and there take part in the war with Turkey; in particular, to take part in the battle of Kinburn under the command of Suvorov.