Movies by François Guérif

Anthony Perkins, the Actor Behind the Door

Anthony Perkins, the Actor Behind the Door

Anthony Perkin’s face and name remain familiar to a younger 21st century audience, fond of Giallo and slashers. But he has long struggled in the shadow of his most famous character, Norman Bater – the seria killer in Alfred Hitschcock’s masterpiece, “Psycho". We also discover that he was an amazing crooner. His greatest success, “Moonlight Swim”, will be taken up by Elvis Presley. He even directed “Psycho III” – proof of his reconciliation with his favorite bogeyman.

Claude Chabrol, the Maverick

Claude Chabrol, the Maverick

An account of the life and work of French filmmaker Claude Chabrol (1930-2010), a sybarite Buddha, a furtive anarchist, an insolent lover of life.

Claude Chabrol's Eye

Claude Chabrol's Eye

Michel Audiard : J'parle pas aux cons, ça les instruit

Michel Audiard : J'parle pas aux cons, ça les instruit