Movies by Lee Lustig

Sasquatch Among Wildmen
Following the success of Darcy Weir's explosively popular Bigfoot documentary, The Unwonted Sasquatch, he is back with a follow up feature to flesh out the history of this creature and it's possible Relic Hominid cousins internationally. Since the days of Ancient Mesopotamia man-like humanoids have appeared in myths and legends of cultures from around the world. Today the best known wildman tale that people still say they see roaming the wilds of North America is better known as the Sasquatch or Big Foot. But there are other well known lege...

Secret Space UFOs: Apollo 1-11
The UFO phenomenon has been recorded far beyond the boundaries of Earth with hundreds of sightings during the Apollo missions 1-11. James Fox, Darcy Weir, Mike Bara and Richard Dolan discuss this hidden history of UFOs in space and structures on the Moon. A history of NASA's early Apollo missions as astronauts endeavor to set foot on the moon and go further in space than any man has before.—Darcy Weir

Secret Space UFOs - In the Beginning - Part 1
This documentary catalogues and examines early space age anomalies and UFOs. Cary and Stanton demonstrate NASA's interest in UFOs through astronaut testimony, examinations of declassified documents, and a history of cover up.