Movies by Howard Hawks

Lauren Bacall, ombre et lumière

Lauren Bacall, ombre et lumière

1925 Studio Tour

1925 Studio Tour

A tour of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio in 1925 shows the people who make the movies there, and gives viewers a glimpse at how movies are made.

Metropolis Refound

Metropolis Refound

Argentinian film historians find a complete print of Fritz Lang's “Metropolis” (1927) at Buenos Aires Film Museum and take it to Germany for its restoration.

Hawks on Hawks

Hawks on Hawks

This ten-minute segment, heralded as part of a new shorts program, is composed of excerpts from a 1972 audio conversation between Hawks and Peter Bogdanovich, as well as a 1973 interview of Hawks with Richard Schickel, wherein the director reminisces about casting "His Girl Friday" (1940) and the changes from the original source material.