Movies by Deboprasad Halder
1924 - The Kakori Project
Inspired by true events, in the winter of 1924 Kolkata, amidst the fervour of the Indian Nationalist Movement, an 18-year-old torn between personal convictions and the call for national duty is recruited by a seasoned freedom fighter. Tasked with a pivotal mission against the British, the boy's internal conflict escalates when he's required to prove his loyalty through the assassination of a British informant. As the consequences of his actions unfold, the narrative intricately weaves the fate of an orphaned little girl into the tapestry of...
The Golden Cage
It is an early winter morning in Kolkata in 1989 and the palatial old "Roy Choudhury" house lies dilapidated, housing the last few members of a once huge affluent joint family. Rudro, the younger brother of the last generation, an under-confident, nondescript man in his mid-30s tries to convince Rajatabho, the eldest of the brothers to take up the offer of selling the house in a desperate attempt to save themselves from bankruptcy. Rajatabho, however, is unrelenting. Rudro, later tries to convince Anjali, Rajatabho's wife, to help change her...