Movies by Ignasi Vidal

The film chronicles the last 3 years of Akhenaten -called "the heretic pharaoh"- and his wife Queen Nefertiti, their mysterious and convulse reign in the context of the profound political and theological reform they promoted.

Anna returns from Africa, where he worked two years in an NGO, and is hired as a security guard at an exclusive health center on the outskirts of Barcelona. By breaking with her boyfriend and go home, a colleague leaves a camper as temporary housing. Spend a few weeks on a wilderness camping and then installed in the parking lot of a service area of the highway. On a night patrol work meets a young, admitted by court order, do not walk because of paralysis and refuses to reveal his identity.

Maximum Shame
The end of the world is imminent. A man goes into a parallel dimension, a limbo between reality and fantasy where the normal rules of time and space have ceased to apply. His wife goes to rescue him. Both will be trapped in a strange and cruel world where a ruthless Queen organizes reality as a mad game of chess, a post-apocalyptic dystopia of domination and subjugation where characters can’t eat, speak or move about freely and are periodically viciously attacked.