Movies by Min Oo



The story revolves around the life of Mi, a free-spirited young woman in the very conservative 1940's Burmese society, and her many lovers. She drinks. She smokes. She thinks you're a joke. She's also traumatized, insecure, and very tired in life. She's like a butterfly ... a butterfly pinned to a cardboard. Will she risk tearing her delicate wings to free herself?



Min Htet possesses a perfect life which will be envied by a lot. He is rich; owns a gallery and in addition to all that, has a beautiful wife called Zin Mar. He is the epitome of happiness and success. But at one point in his life, he committed a unforgettable sin which destroyed both his marriage and business. After a series of events that nearly destructed his life, he started to realize his perfect life may not be as what he thinks it is.

If My Lover Were a Flower

If My Lover Were a Flower

Based on a novel by Ponnya Khin. In the village of Nang Pan, Mya Lay (Wutt Hmone Shwe Yi) meets the visiting Nay Mon. The two promptly fall in love, despite the objections of Mya Lay’s brothers. Nay Mon brings Mya Lay to the city of Yangon, and the two look forward to a happy future. But Mya Lay continues to be torn between her love for Nay Mon and her obligations to her family.