Movies by Elio
In late 18th century Venice, in a convent school for girls, Teresa, a student with prophetic gifts, joins forces with some amazing music-makers. They create a new kind of pop, bright and bold, and challenge the ancient and rigid system.
Water to the Ropes
Montalto, 2021. On the occasion of the historic 500th anniversary of the birth of Pope Sixtus V, the mayor of the birthplace of the famous pontiff, hires an author of religious musicals from the Marches, Angelo Santini, to create a show inspired by the famous papal events. Among these Angelo readapts one, under the cumbersome supervision of the village parish priest, and entitles it "Acqua alle corda", inspired by the well-known story of the obelisk in St. Peter's Square.The mayor is very pressing on the fact that this show must have an impo...
Improvvisamente a Natale mi sposo
Ritmo sbilenco - Un filmino su Elio e le Storie Tese
An unconventional point of view on one of the most successful Italian bands: Elio e le Storie Tese.
Chi ha incastrato Elio e le Storie Tese?