Movies by Olive Blakeney

The Shining Future
Documentary short film intended to drum up support for the Fifth War Loan Campaign. It shows a happy family in the future of 1960 enjoying the prosperity and advantages made possible by the successful prosecution of the war, and how the sacrifices of 1944 have made the world a better place.
Excuse My Glove
A young man, whose main interest in life is stained glass, accidentally accepts a challenge to fight in a fair boxing booth.
The Road to Victory
Documentary short film intended to drum up support for the Fifth War Loan Campaign. It shows a happy family in the future of 1960 enjoying the prosperity and advantages made possible by the successful prosecution of the war, and how the sacrifices of 1944 have made the world a better place. Edited down from The Shining Future (1944).

Nob Hill
A Barbary Coast saloon owner hopes to marry his way into San Francisco's high society. Directed by Henry Hathaway, the film was released in 1945.
Two's Company
The son of a stodgy British earl falls in love with the daughter of an American millionaire businessman. The fathers oppose the relationship.

Come Out of the Pantry
A Duke's son plays the part of a footman and shows himself amusing in the pantry.