Movies by Dorothy Kelly

The Wheels of Justice

The Wheels of Justice

Ralph Brooks, although engaged to Julia Dean, meets and becomes infatuated with Rita Reynolds. She gains his sympathy by telling untrue stories of her husband's brutality. They plan to run away together but while Rita is taking a large sum of money from her husband's safe, he returns early from a business trip and a fight ensues which results in her husband's death.

The Awakening

The Awakening

Abandoned on the church steps at birth Jacques Revilly is a pariah in his small hamlet finally heading to Paris to fulfill his dream of being an artist. After three years he has become quite adept but due to his slovenly ways and appearance he has been nicknamed “The Beast” and is once again exiled among society. One night he discovers a young girl who has collapsed in the roadside snow, with the assistance of his one friend Varney they nurse her back to health and “The Beast” begins to mend his ways.

The Secret Kingdom

The Secret Kingdom

The Secret Kingdom is a 1917 silent action movie serial comprised of 15 chapters: 1. Land of the Intrigue 2. Royalty at Red Wing 3. Sealed Packet 4. Honorable Mr. Oxenham 5. Carriage Call #101 6. Human Flotsam 7. Ghost Ship 8. Rum Cay 9. Swamp Adder 10. A Goat Without Horns 11. The White Witch 12. The Shark's Nest 13. The Tragic Masque 14. The Portrait of a King 15. The Tocsin.

Salvation Joan

Salvation Joan

Joan, a refined young Salvation Army volunteer, fall in love with a gangster.

Two Stepchildren

Two Stepchildren

Born with an artistic temperament, Joe Leigh feels keenly the bitterness and drudgery of life on a small farm and longs to get away from it. Jabez, his uncle, who owns the farm, is a hard, matter-of-fact man, utterly out of sympathy with his nephew's ambitions.

The Antique Engagement Ring

The Antique Engagement Ring

George Darrel presents Helen Gray, his fiancée, with a very valuable engagement ring of antique design, which is an heirloom. They have a serious quarrel over Dave Brower, one of her friends, and Darrel leaves for the west.

The Man, the Mission and the Maid

The Man, the Mission and the Maid

Living in adjoining homes at Oakdale, Hal Oilman and Alice Blanchard are childhood friends and playmates. Some years later. Hal goes to college, and while there makes a bitter enemy of Bert Peyson by exposing him as a card cheat and a thief.

Following the Star

Following the Star

Helen Winthrop has ambition for the stage and when, during his summer sojourn at her home town, she is introduced to De la Marre, a popular star and dramatic favorite, she is elated and asks him to give her a part in one of his plays. He consents and from that moment she becomes restless, and longs to shake the dust of her village home from her feet. Her old sweetheart, John Tobin, is no longer in her class and receives a very cold goodbye when she leaves to shine in the limelight.

The Vanity Case

The Vanity Case

In a jewelry store, Grace Norris, a wealthy girl, unnoticed by the salesman, absent-mindedly takes a vanity case. She is seen by Fred Wright, who thinks she stole it.

Marrying Sue

Marrying Sue

Sue's father has chosen Percy; Sue's mother has chosen Patterson, while Sue has chosen Jack. Mother and father decide that they can never be reconciled while each champions a candidate for their daughter's hand.

The Skull

The Skull

Just as the bead clerk and his assistants are closing up the jewelry store for the day, a package containing a very costly necklace arrives by special messenger. The large safe deposit vault has been closed for the night and the time clock set. The head clerk is fearful to leave the necklace in the store and so decides to take it home. His actions have been closely watched by one of the junior clerks, with sinister and stealthy glances.