Movies by Judy Mamou

Revival Of Evil

Revival Of Evil

Is today's Revival Of Evil setting the stage for the antichrist? Join David Hunt in this fascinating journey into the world of the occult. See candid shots inside Anton LaVey's First Church of Satan, hypnotic regression to "prior lives", and psychic "revelations" from UFOs. Occultism also masquerades as the latest in science, education, parlor games & movies. Through candid interviews learn the truth about witchcraft in famous rock groups, psychic powers and seances among teenagers, demonic possession through yoga, and the true power behind...

Carol Doda Topless at the Condor

Carol Doda Topless at the Condor

On a fateful San Francisco night in the early 60s, Condor nightclub performer Carol Doda was lowered to the stage on a floating piano, topless. Word spread quickly, setting off a wave of controversy and delight, with raids soon to follow. There was even a trial for the new celebrity. Doda’s dry wit and charisma made her an instant sensation of the night club scene: an empowered woman in full control. Or so it seemed.