Movies by Christopher McDougall

Goshen is a documentary depicting the diet and active lifestyle of the indigenous Tarahumara, a light-footed running tribe, who are striving to maintain their ancient culture against all odds. The Tarahumara are renowned for their incredible long distance running endurance and prevention of modern chronic diseases. Featuring the Born to Run author Chris McDougall and health specialists.

Run Free: The True Story of Caballo Blanco
American ultra running legend Micah True (Caballo Blanco, or the White Horse) lived and ran with the Tarahumara Indians in Northern Mexico. The Tarahumara (also known as the Rarámuri or the Running People) are some of the best long distance runners in the world. This award-winning feature-length documentary chronicles Micah's quest to promote and preserve Tarahumara running tradition by creating a 50-mile foot race known as the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon, which was portrayed in Christopher McDougall’s best-selling book "Born to Run – A Hid...