Movies by José Flores

Cabeza de Vaca
An international award winning saga of old Mexico. In 1528, a Spanish expedition flounders off the coast of Florida with 600 lives lost. One survivor, Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, roams across the American continent searching for his Spanish comrades. Instead, he discovers the Iguase, an ancient Indian tribe. Over the next eight years, Cabeza de Vaca learns their mystical and mysterious culture, becoming a healer and a leader. But soon this New World collides with the Old World as Spanish conquistadors seek to enslave the Indians, and Cabeza ...

Ansiedad Asesina
After losing his entire family at the hands of a grimy street gang; a man gathers up the gang in an abandoned home to kill them off one by one. With the assistance of a psychologically-disturbed woman.

The Shape of Things to Come
Teo, an intrepid child, lives with his father Luis in Lima, an electrician devoted to the creation of a strange machine. Lured by a feeling of independence, Teo joins a gang of young criminals, bringing turmoil to the relationship with his father.

Se suicidó un asesino

Otro caso de violación