Movies by Goddess Bunny

Sex, Death & The Hollywood Mystique
Larry Wessel presents darkest Hollywood and explores some of tinsel town's most grisly tragedies, including the murders of Sharon Tate and The Black Dahlia.

Suddenly Last Summer
Dr. Vaginal Davis gives what John Water's describes as "phenomenal" and what George Kuchar calls "a riveting" performance as Mrs. Venable, the obsessed, upset mother of the dead sea poet Sebastian. Beset with an en masse visit from her late husband's relatives, which include Mrs. Holly, George Holly as the mercenary son, Katherine Holly as Sebastian's set upon companion, Sister Felicity, the Nurse/Nun of who's performance Ronald Tavel states "another scene stealer using understatement" and Dr. Sugar brought in to "cut that HIDEOUS STORY out ...

A raucous, angry exorcism of relationships and assorted fears, shadowed by the Big One: the plague of AIDS.

The Great American Mud Wrestle
For one-night-only blood was spilled in the mud.

Obey The Walrus
a creepy viral video from 2007 who depicts Johnnie Baima, (from a 90's documentary film called, The Goddess Bunny) tap-dancing for about a minute before the video fades out to a picture of a walrus.