Movies by Borivoje Todorović

Never Speak Ill of the Dead
Tragicomic story about Communist activist who wants to bring the benefits of Communism to the inhabitants of a Serbian village after WW2.

The Adventures of Borivoje Surdilovic
Fascinated by his friend's success abroad, an out-of-work barber Šurda tries his luck in Germany. Incapable to accept any job that would suit him, he returns to his homeland in disappointment. Based on a popular TV serial "Hot Wind" ("Vruć vetar").

Taiwan Canasta
A frustrated and unemployed architect experiences flashbacks of his youth and 1968 protests while the life passes by. Unable to adapt and to accept the reality, he’s constantly getting into conflicts with the people around him.

SA 204-272
A high representative goes by the narrow macadam road to the grand opening of the facility in a mountain village, another new victory of his own. In the car with him was not his wife but his mistress, a young and rather attractive girl. The car stucks in the quite large and deep puddle in the middle of the country road...

Ever-Ready Women
Seven women are sick of working in poor conditions on a farm. They steal a tractor and go to the city.

A married woman unsuccessfully tries to find a job in order to provide a better life to her son.

Steps Through the Mist
After breaking the enemy's rings, a partisan batch is left only with three wounded and two healthy fighters. Through his binoculars, the German captain Anders monitors the surviving soldiers who are walking through the fog in an effort to reach their brigade. Anders quietly starts a manhunt on wounded while anticipating their physical and mental exhaustion.

Death Fury
A woman who killed her husband by accident comes out of prison after sixteen years to meet with her two children at municipality office. Before children's arrival, she recalls her supposedly happy marriage that turned into a nightmare when her husband's brother came back from Germany and begun to influence her husband in a bad way.

The Little One
In the suburban environment of 1960s Belgrade, thieves and vagabonds were first who escaped from poverty, while simple individuals who believed in ideals, paid a costly price for their misconceptions. Life is very difficult to a family of a pilot who spent 14 years in prison on the basis of false testimony. Her husband's prosecution is his wife's fate, while his daughter doesn't even know that her father is alive. After many migrations and wanderings, the mother meets a soft-spoken yet unscrupulous man who'll promise her marriage, and rape h...

The Bitter Part of River
While trying to push away a little boy who keeps coming near his cottage at the river, a whimsical mayor meets boy's mother. These people find hard to make contacts because of their own troublemarks from the past, even though they know that the common effort is needed for the future and survival.