Movies by Juana Guarderas
Prometeo Deportado
In an unknown first world airport the arrival of an ecuadorian flight is heard. The 'members of the European Union' passby migration, while the 'others', in the other line, wait. In the middle of the claims, a group of ecuadorians is arrested. They are taken to the Room, where they wait to be deported. Seems like everyone hides something, like PROMETEO the young magician with his hands tied like a delinquent who has a 'magical' trunk as luggage. Time passes, a way of being, Ecuador happens in this waiting room. Seems like there is no possibl...
Un roto para un descosido
Two lonely characters wanting to find a partner, a romantic blind date, a decadent Russian restaurant... The New Year’s Eve could't be more promising until the dinner for two becomes a crazy dinner for four: them and their ghosts. And the main course is still to come.