Movies by Gunārs Cilinskis

Checkmate to the Queen of Diamonds
A detective and a militia captain are working together investigating a murder. When their job is done, the feelings do not let them say goodbye.

Kara ceļa mantinieki

In the Shadow of Death
A group of men go under-ice fishing, but find themselves trapped on a piece of ice, that has broken off. As they are drifting through the sea, the tension between them rises.

Early Rust
Poor countryside girl Elza has been unsuccessfully looking for a job in Riga before she gets help from an acquantance. After that, fortune seems to turn and rich aged factory owner Ķikulis wants to marry Elza. Reluctant at first, she finally agrees but the marriage doesn't go smoothly.

The Times of the Surveyors
Land surveyors arrive in two parishes to measure and redistribute manor land. The rivalry between both feoffees for land and woman begins.
Tāpēc, ka es esmu Aivars Līdaks

Latvia in the 1920s. The enterprising Edgars Ceplis establishes a company to produce bricks from Latvian clay for export. Many are involved in his project, hoping for the huge profits the venture promises. Ceplis soon becomes infatuated with his office typist Austra Zīle and starts neglecting the business...

Izmeklēšanā noskaidrots

Attack On The Secret Police

Tobago Changes Course
Summer, 1940. Foreseeing the collapse of the Ulmanis regime, the owner of a ship sailing off the coast of Latvia decides to flee the country. Subsequently, the sailors learn about the establishment of Soviet power in their homeland, and the ship changes course...

Vilkatis Toms

Wagtail's Army

Wagtail's Army Fighting Again
Stranger in the Village
A man returns to his village after many years away with his new wife in tow.

In a Claws of a Black Cancer
The action takes place in Kurzeme in the 17th century. The Duke of Courland, the King of Poland and the German barons wants power over the Latvian people. Farmers are the biggest victims of this power struggle.
Caur objektīva aci. Gunārs Cilinskis

Apbraucamais ceļš
A group of people get cut off from the rest of the world during a snowstorm.

Stari stiklā

The Heiress of Werewolves