Movies by Jiří Štěpnička

"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their project, which thematises the execution of more than 260 Carpathian Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks by Czechoslovak army soldiers near Přerov in June 1945. The “massacre at Přerov” is made present through a minimalist dramatisation of the interrogation footage of direct participants, eyewitnesses, and others. It is as if the characters of ancient theatre were entering the Zoom “stage” and delive...
Modrý kosatec
Podivná přátelství herce Jesenia
Dlouhé dopoledne
Pekelná maturita
Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického
Daleko od stromu
Boží soud

Fragile Relationships
A divorced single mother romances a young slaughterhouse worker, must to the chagrin of her ex-husband.

Bride with big legs

Rok na vsi

The Compatriot
On New Year's Eve in 1944, two men meet in the middle of a snowstorm in a cottage cut off from civilization - a widower, Petr Bernat, and an SS officer, Konrad Neumann. The only thing the two men have in common is their Sudeten origins. At first, their conversation revolves around mundane topics, but as midnight approaches, they begin to address more pressing issues. A tragic past is revealed and it becomes clear that tonight will be a fateful night for Bernat and Neumann.
Hodina života
Cizí holka
Ivanka a Marijka
Nebožtík si nepřál květy
O Rozárce a zakletém králi