Movies by Sigmund Freud
Jung Speaks of Freud
Carl Gustav Jung interviewed on the subject of 'Sigmund Freud': how Jung met him, how he was influenced by him and where he disagreed with him. Jung talks about word association, Freudian slips, the unconscious, the Oedipus complex, the ego, archetypes, falling in love and more.
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is one of the most important personalities of the 20th century and has not only left his imprint on psychology, his very own field of knowledge, but also on of science and cultural and intellectual history; indeed, he has shaped the twentieth century altogether. Otto Brusatti's film takes us to Vienna, New York, Rome, Paris and London and shows not only previously unknown material about Freud's life and environment but also takes a cautious look on Freud's doctrine.

Dolls with Issues
It's the Activist vs. the Analyst in a witty spoof of issue oriented talk shows like Larry King and The O'Reilly Factor. Host Jerome X, a black activist, interviews the late great Sigmund Freud who is reincarnated in his doll form, complete with a cigar and a willingness to blame it all on Mom. The voice of reason is plastic.

Sigmund Freud: A Jew Without God
An account of the life and work of the influential Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an iconic figure and a godless demigod who dared to enter the darkest depths of the human mind; through his correspondence and his own voice, and that of his family and friends.
Starring Sigmund Freud
Starring Sigmund Freud is a video memento for Sigmund Freud's little-known film career. Based on an essay John Menick published in Frieze in 2011, the video collects the dozens of appearances that the character of Sigmund Freud has made on small and big screens. After the 1950s, when pill vials replaced analytic couches, the father of psychoanalysis found a second career impersonating himself in everything from a John Huston clunker to a Star Trek episode. The video suggests that maybe it is in front of the camera, alongside surgically enhan...