Movies by Eleanor Blevins

The Moving Picture Cowboy
Luke Barns obtains employment with a moving picture concern as a cowboy and declares himself capable of performing any or all feats such as cowboys are supposed to perform.
The Sheep Runners
Jim Woods, a tractable old sheep runner, dwells with his daughter, Beth, in a mountain cabin and does his best to keep his wandering flocks from infringing upon the meadows claimed by the cattlemen.
The Miser's Legacy
Hiding from the police in an alley, two crooks see, through a window, the dying miser entrust to the doctor the fortune he bequeaths to his erring son. They trail the doctor home, overpower him, and in their search for the money, terrify his wife and child.
As the Twig Is Bent
L.C. Shumway has a dual role in this action-packed three-reeler. When the Booths divorce, their twin children (both played as adults by Shumway) are separated -- George goes with his mother and becomes a fine, upstanding young man, while Herbert takes after his father's dissolute ways. Both of them wind up serving in the Army and going to the Philippines -- George as an officer and West Point graduate, and Herbert as a lowly enlisted man who soon deserts to becomes the drunken love slave of a native girl.
The Love Transcendent
John Gage loves Ruth West, but she marries his friend, Charles Grey. The young couple are apparently happy; a child is born to them. Suddenly Ruth discovers that her husband has been systematically robbing his employer. Threatened with imprisonment unless he refunds the money he has stolen, Grey is at his wits' end.