Movies by John Andrews

The Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart

A computer-generated rendering of the classic Poe tale about a man haunted by an old man's strange eye and the drastic measures he takes to rid himself of it.

The Edge of the World

The Edge of the World

Three men are reunited after 30 years by the echoes of a terrible crime. Old men now, and at the end of the line they are intrigued to meet a young girl named Sarah. Through her they are plunged back into the sordid (and hilarious) belly of Australia's underworld, both past and present.

Rude Buay...The Unstoppable

Rude Buay...The Unstoppable

Author John A. Andrews, son of the Caribbean soil, penetrates inside the belly of the drug world. In an environment saturated with corruption, deception, duplicity, deceit, and inequities of all kinds, Andrews conceives a cross Atlantic, greed driven fiasco, embedded within the drug epidemic. Can Jamaican born, DEA "Rude Buay," save his country from the tyranny of the Dragon Drug Cartel?