Movies by Stan Deyo
UFO's Are Here!
Australian-made film with Steven Spielberg, Stan Deyo, Stanton Friedman, Dr. Alan Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Ken Arnold, Betty Hill and Ray Palmer (publisher of the Shaver Mystery). This rare TV documentary gave birth to The Cosmic Conspiracy and contains clips of the first episode of Star Wars and Jaws.
Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural
Watchers series continues with new topics. - The Two Suns - Moon Update - The Torah Codes - Alien Implant Update - The Unexplained - Ancient Texts - The Arab Spring - The Hopi Indian Prophecies - The Shroud of Turin
Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth
Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what are the Torah Codes saying about the moon? What about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true - that we are entering a...