Movies by Lester Cuneo

The Rustler's Vindication
The Rustler's Vindication is an early Tom Mix film from Fox.

The Moving Picture Cowboy
Luke Barns obtains employment with a moving picture concern as a cowboy and declares himself capable of performing any or all feats such as cowboys are supposed to perform.
That Mail Order Suit
Steve, ambitious to outstrip his rivals, Slim and Tex, in a race for Betty's hand, orders a dress-snit by mail. The spike-tail is an awful fit and Steve retires from Betty's inspection anything but pleased. He gives the "fixins" to a Mexican, who in turn suffers from the hands of the populace when he makes his appearance in public, and is finally suspiciously pursued by a posse.

Taming a Tenderfoot
Willie Clever, city born and bred, having been spoiled with plenty of money, thinks he knows it all, or nearly all. His father buys a ranch in Arizona and sends Willie out to run the business. He comes with "all the fixin's," and has not been on the place an hour before he tries to run, or reform the outfit. The cowboys decide he needs some experience.

Desert Love
Murderous bandits shoot up a town and kill the sheriff. But before he dies, the lawman leaves behind a list of the men responsible for his murder. Twenty-five years later, his son, Buck Marston has grown up and followed in his father's footsteps by becoming a sheriff.

Juggling with Fate
Dare Devil Tom Wallace, so called because of his seeming lack of fear, is held up while riding in the stage and robbed by a masked desperado named Morgan. Wallace finds the trail of the robber and follows it to the face of a cliff.

The Range Law
Ted, the foreman of "The Diamond S. Ranch" is in love with Dora, Dad's daughter. Tafe is the leader of a band of desperate characters that have been terrifying the neighborhood for some time. He sees Dora and immediately decides to try and make an impression upon her.
The Life Timer
Steve and Tom are rivals for the hand of Mona.

The Promise
After an argument with his father, in which he is accused of stealing, Bill Carmody leaves home. His girlfriend Ethel is mad at him because of his carousing. So he heads out West, but he gets in a railroad accident and saves the life of Appleton, who owns a lumber mill. To reward Bill, Appleton gives him a job, and it doesn't take him long to discern that Buck Moncrossen, the camp boss, is crooked.

The Slim Princess
Gloom overcasts the palace of Count Selim Nalagaski, governor general of Morovenia, Turkey. All efforts to make the count's elder daughter, the Princess Kalora, fat, synonymous with beauty in that country, have failed. Popova, the Princess's tutor, devises a terrible revenge because the count called him a Christian dog. He feeds the princess pickles to keep her thin.

A Corner in Cotton
Peggy Ainslee, the daughter of a wealthy broker, tires of the empty life of society, and determines on a mission of charity and uplift in the poor quarters of New York City

The Terror
Bat "No Limit" Carson, U.S. deputy marshal has to battle all types of varmints, including crooked dance hall proprietor "Con" Norton and his star entertainer, Fay La Cross. The booty is various gold shipments, and the beautiful heroine hails from the East.

The Fable of the Club Girls and the Four Times
Once a lot of grown-up girls organized a club for the discussion of current evils. The principal current evil they discussed was man. The object was to find some way to keep them home at nights. One dame thought every wife ought to provide her companion with an intellectual atmosphere so he wouldn't sneak out at night to the thirst parlor.

Jim's Vindication
An express rider is wrongly suspected of theft. When he is sentenced to imprisonment, friends help him to escape. In the pursuit that emerges, he manages to unmask the real thief.

Religion and Gun Practice
Wesley Judell, as a missionary, finds a futile but puzzling field for work in the far, wild west.

The Marshal's Capture
The marshal is compelled to arrest his brother-in-law for accidentally shooting a Mexican. His wife pleads for his release, but it is ineffectual. When he is asleep, she takes the calaboose keys from his pocket, but finds that the prisoner has been helped out by a "half-breed.". The marshal is awakened by her return and discovers that his keys are gone.

Made a Coward
Bud Harris, a young miner with a reputation for courage, goes prospecting in the desert with Tom Jones in an attempt to locate a turquoise mine. Their water gives out and their horses die on the way. Bud thinks that Tom has water in his canteen and strikes him down.

Are All Men Alike?
In this comedy-drama, May Allison plays Teddy Hayden, a very independent society miss. When her childhood sweetheart, Gerry West (Wallace MacDonald) takes her to a Greenwich Village cafe, she thinks she's found where she belongs. So she spends all her time there and gets herself in a load of trouble.

Sallie's Sure Shot
Rob Ralston is forced to go to "town" for supplies, and "Injun" Jim, a sneaking rascal, announces that he proposes to jump his claim. This arouses the official ire of Fred "the star wearer," and he soundly trounces the half-breed rascal. Now Fred has an intrepid sweetheart. Sally, who is a well-spring of information and is naturally hated by law-breakers. "Injun" Jim gets reinforcements and carries off the girl as a hostage. Fred senses they are making for the mine, so he girds on his guns and goes in the same direction. The desperadoes arra...

The Only Chance
Charley West, a lineman, complains about his rickety old hand-car, and is given one that is up-to-date. He tries it out and finds he can send it sixty miles an hour. The train dispatcher, forgetting an oncoming special freight, allows a passenger train to leave the yard before he discovers his mistake.