Movies by Judy Donovan

The Young Offenders
Two teenage boys from inner-city Cork steal bicycles and ride off on a 160km quest to find an unrecovered bale of cocaine worth 7,000,000 euros.

Diva and the Sound Man
A financially struggling sound technician overhears the private phone call of a famous soap actress, Daiva. Their relationship is put to the test as he decides whether or not to sell her story to the press.

North Circular Road
A married couple move into a new house in Dublin. Wife Janice is a weather forecaster and is tricked into working from home by her boss Joe, with whom she has had an affair. Feeling guilty about this affair, she goes to visit spiritual healer Mary and tries to follow her advice. She soon becomes distracted by a bigger issue - she begins to see ghosts in the house. They soon reveal a shocking tale of an unhappy marriage and a possible murder. Janice researches the house's past and finds the visions may have an historical basis. As she uncover...