Movies by Matej Landl

Johankino tajomstvo
Vízie z Inferna-umenie proti zabúdaniu
Goralská obec Čierne

Small Celebrations


Half Breakdown
A contemporary tragicomedy from a modern city about disintegration of relationship, disintegration of a marriage, and maybe also about the disappearance of basic rules from decent life. A very black comedy about people in their 40ies who already have money, but still listen to rock and roll, exchanging drugs for mobile phones.
Čtyři na sněhu
Simultánka s Aľochinom
Amonina pomsta
Vášnivý bozk

Comrade Cone
A story about three young boys who are best friends and together are trying to fight a poacher in the forest close to their village.
Aj kone sa hrajú