Movies by Szidi Tobias

Johankino tajomstvo
Marhuľový ostrov
Vášnivý bozk

Warm Comedy about Depression, Madness and Unfulfilled Dreams
Two adolescent sons and their parents. A family whose members have known each other for so long that their mutual affection can feel like cabin fever. They all have dreams they want the others to validate, perhaps even more than their need to fulfill those dreams.

Summer Rebels
Rowdy Jonas, 11, longs to spend the summer exploring the Slovakian countryside with his cool Grandpa Bernard, but his exasperated mother plans for him to go to the seaside instead. Jonas sneaks away from home and takes the train by himself to his grandpa’s. Upon arrival he finds his grandpa grumpy and moping. Luckily, his brave and tomboyish neighbor Alex befriends Jonas and together they create a scheme to raise money for a raft of their own. Their illegal racket creates an uproar in the village, lands Grandpa in jail for a crime he didn’t ...