Movies by Sean Oliver

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1963-1969 – As Told By Bruno Sammartino
In early 1963, Toots Mondt and Vincent J. McMahon seceded from the governance of the NWA to form the WWWF. Shortly thereafter they would crown their champion and hang the fortune of their venture on him. That man will be your guide for a journey back to 1963 and the formative years of the WWWF up through 1969. Bruno Sammartino was selling out houses all across the northeast and was privy to all the inner workings of the company.

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1984 – As Told By Roddy Piper
The closing month of 1983 in WWE saw the arrival of an individual that would go on to set the entire pro wrestling landscape on its head. Roddy Piper’s effect on the largest federation in the world would set up Hogan for his massive championship run, introduce the concept of Wrestlemania, and push TV ratings to the stratosphere. Simply put…Piper helped make it all happen for WWE in the 80s. Join Roddy for a three and a half hour journey back in time and see how each piece of the puzzle was laid. Roddy, Vince, Hogan, Dave Wolf and others had...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1988 – As Told By Hacksaw Duggan
The 80s are winding down, business has seen its amazing peak and the arenas are still full. The world’s biggest federation is front and center in the spotlight, fighting to keep its growing market share. But Ted Turner has purchased WCW. The fallout of Duggan and Sheik’s arrest is still in the news. Wrestlers aren’t getting along. It’s big time, it’s 1988! Summerslam…Wrestlemania…Ventura…Adonis dies…Duggan/Sheik arrest…the locker room…Rougeaus and Bulldogs…road life with Jake the Snake…Turner gets in the ring…Von Raschke…Vachon…Survivor Se...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1985 – As Told By Greg Valentine
The fuse has been ignited on the explosive popularity of the WWE in 1985. The world was about to get its first Wrestlemania. The roster was loaded with the country’s hottest talent and the ‘Fed was all over cable TV, and the networks as well. Royalty checks begin pouring in for WWE stars as their images hit lunchboxes and dolls all over the world. The business has moved beyond wrestling as music and pop culture embrace it in this magical time. Saturday Night’s Main Event…Wrestlemania…CBS Cartoon…Mr. T…The IC strap…The Dream Team…Andy Worho...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1977-1978 – As Told By Superstar Graham
It was before Hogan, before Ventura, and before charisma counted as much, perhaps moreso, as mat skills. It was 1977 in New York and Bruno’s run would soon come to an end. Enter The Superstar… Superstar Billy Graham burst onto the scene in the WWWF, unseated Bruno Sammartino, and rewrote the rulebook for pro wrestling heels. And now he wants you to join him on a journey to that pivotal year, where he’ll tell you everything that was happening within the walls of the largest wrestling federation in the world! We pick up the action in April ...

Supercard: King Kong Bundy Re-experiences WrestleMania 2
Go inside the build-up to Wrestlemania 2 with King Kong Bundy, and and his headlining match in Los Angeles against the legendary Hulk Hogan in a big blue steel cage.

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1981 – As Told By Rick Martel
Atop the tag team division in the WWE in 1981 stood a fiery youngster and his brother figure, both of whom had the looks and the brawn to bring fans to their feet all over the Northeast. They slammed Moondogs, battled Samoans, and were high-flying champions full of excitement. Head back to 1981 with Rick Martel and enter the locker rooms walked by Vincent J. McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, Capt Lou Albano and the legends of yesteryear. This may have been a simpler time in the business, but the lessons learned were hard, and so was the road. Come...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1980 – As told By Larry Zybszko
1980 in the WWF. Business isn’t so hot. Backlund isn’t drawing the houses they thought he would and business is moribund at best. That is, until a young Larry Zbyszko proposes an idea to his mentor that would change the course of the federation, and make the career of Zbyszko himself. This journey into 1980 is an incredible illustration of how Bruno Sammartino gave Larry Zbyszko the education of a lifetime in both the construction of the “Shea Stadium” program, as well as how to play the game of politics with the heavy hitters, like McMahon...

Breaking Kayfabe with Lanny Poffo
Lanny Poffo as he welcomes you inside the Poffo family through all the ups and downs, twists and turns, triumph and torment of pro wrestling. Lanny addresses his divorce, road life, interests, and all the chips on his shoulder. Lanny also dissects brother Randy Savage's difficult life, his sagely advice, and reclusive nature. Sean and Lanny cover Liz, Angelo, Stephanie, Kiyosaki, showtunes, bidets, and everything you can imagine.

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1983 – As Told By Magnificent Muraco
The WWE had yet to go national. The talent raids had not begun. Hogan was still Verne’s guy. And the biggest draws in the company would revolve around the Intercontinental title, held by The Magnificent One, Don Muraco. And the inside story is here! The series that blows open the real, unauthorized story of the WWE is back, and we head into the 80s again! Backlund…Morales drops title…Allentown…Rocky feud…Snuka and Nancy…Gilbert’s crash…McMahon power shift…Invading California…Wizard’s passing…Iron Mike Sharpe and OCD…Madison Square Garden…V...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1997 – As Told By Jim Cornette
Universally regarded as one of the greatest shoot interviews ever, Cornette leads us on another journey into 1997. RAW is going live every week. The Shawn and Bret situation is reaching its boiling point. Bad news from Pillman’s hotel. 1997 is the year that will set up the big boom period to follow, as Austin, The Rock, and Undertaker were getting set to ignite the business. And our guest for this tour is none other than the most outspoken shoot DVD guest ever, Jim Cornette. Jim was working WWE creative in ’97 so you have unprecedented acce...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1989 – As Told By Brutus Beefcake
We’re still in the 80s and we’re flying high! Hogan is still drawing his legion of fans and the WWE is running 2,3, and even 6 (yes SIX) shows in a day. Things are good and Hogan’s best friend in the business would get his highest profile run, albeit in the form of a very odd gimmick. Brutus Beefcake had become “The Barber” and was struttin’ and cuttin’ his way to headlining Summerslam with Hogan against Savage and Zeus. Yeah, remember him?! Go back in time and relive yet another chapter in the ongoing history of the world’s biggest federa...

Timeline: The History of WWE – 1986 – As Told By George Steele
The first Wrestlemania is history and business is booming! Wrestlers are making top dollar, traveling all over the world, seeing dolls in their image, and some can even quit teaching and wrestle full time! Especially if they were in one of the WWE’s hottest angles with Macho Man Randy Savage and Elizabeth. And such is the case with George The Animal Steele. The man behind that scary and lovable character takes you back to 1986 and examines all the major happenings in wrestling’s biggest federation. Saturday Night’s Main Event skits…a jealo...

Guest Booker with Jim Cornette
This remarkable edition of the Guest Booker series was voted one of the best DVDs of 2009 in the Wrestling Observer when released on DVD, and now for the first time you can get it On Demand! What could have been remembered as pro wrestling’s most complelling storyline, has come to be known as the sport’s biggest blown opportunity. The WCW Invasion angle fell short of expectations and the wrestling world watched WWE swallow WCW without fanfare. Jim Cornette has a thing or twenty to say about that! One of wrestling’s most outspoken and creat...

YouShoot: Maria Kanellis
So you thought you would make her blush?! Ha! Maria Kanellis sits down with us for another edition of Kayfabe Commentaries' series that changed the wrestling DVD industry... and she opens up abouve the Divas, The Celebrity Apprentice, the WWE office and so much more! All this on the one, the only ... YouShoot! Some topics discussed: Johnny Ace & the Divas; Real or Fake; John Cena; Finlay's training; Wrestlemania; Donald Trumps hair; The Ho-Bag; straight-edge; perverts.

Dead West
The Sherrif of a small Western town witnesses a sickness quickly overtaking the locals. Along with his trusty Deputy Carl and plucky sidekick Annie they try to save the town.

YouShoot: Tammy Sytch
The series that changed the entire shoot industry is back and better than ever! Tammy Sytch takes the YouShoot oath and takes all your questions. Tammy's rich life in the business, complete with ups and down, leaves lots of opportunity for questions. She is remarkably candid about... er... EVERYTHING! Nothing is out of bounds as Tammy tells you WHAT she likes, WHO she doesn't, and HOW SHE LIKES IT! (Yup...that!) The YouShoot games are back, with lots of graphics and fun surprises which take the series to a level never before attempted in th...