Movies by Victor Miller

Return to Crystal Lake: Making 'Friday the 13th'

Return to Crystal Lake: Making 'Friday the 13th'

Manny's Orphans

Manny's Orphans

Manny coaches soccer for the fashionable Creighton Hall school, but is relieved of duty because he is 'not a good match' for the school. He finds a job at a Catholic home for orphans, where he forms a new soccer team, with the help of one very good player Pepe who turns out to be a girl. 'Pepe' is the sister of one of the orphans, who comes to the all-boy orphanage posing as a boy, because her former foster home was an abusive environment. Along the way, Manny has incurred a gambling debt, his creditors begin to lean on him, and the boys fin...

The Story Of The '80s Slasher Craze

The Story Of The '80s Slasher Craze

Between 1980 and 1989, the horror genre gave us well over 200 slasher flicks; most of them were cheap, and very few of them had much of a lasting impact on audiences (aside from rabid horror fans like us, that is). Flaws and all though, we loved most of these horrific endeavors. Taking the format of ‘70s classics such as Black Christmas, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and, of course, the quintessential slasher movie, John Carpenter’s Halloween, studios realized they could make a lot of money chopping up teens. So much so that the genre would c...