Movies by Sid Raymond

Red White and Boo

Red White and Boo

Through the use of a Time Machine, Casper the Friendly Ghost gets transported back in time, In the stone-age, Casper frightens cave-men and women. Robert Fulton's steamboat makes a successful first trip when Casper's ghostly form frightens it into action. Casper assists Paul Revere on his famous ride when Revere's horse, frightened by Casper, ceases to balk and breaks into a gallop. George Washington, crossing the Delaware River, is sped up by Casper's appearance, and Casper becomes a hero by besting the British Redcoats.

Robin Hood-Winked

Robin Hood-Winked

Popeye is Robin Hood; he's got a sidekick, Little John. Bluto is the tax collector, and Olive is the owner/barmaid at the local pub. Bluto comes to the pub to collect taxes and falls for Olive.

Naughty But Mice

Naughty But Mice

Herman, the city-slicker mouse (looking like a cross between James Cagney and Lee Tracy) visits his barn-mice cousins in the country.

A Bicep Built for Two

A Bicep Built for Two

From Press Kit: Katnip's serenading of a girl cat is interrupted by a tough cat that runs him off and takes over.The love-lorn Katnip is determined to best the muscle-bound cat and enlists the aid of Herman. Herman, with bad-intentions, puts Katnip through a muscle-building course which consists of weight-lifting, bar-chinning and equipment rigged with high explosives.

Line of Screammage

Line of Screammage

Even dead kids can be a bad influence. Take what happens to Billy for example. Casper the "friendly" ghost takes the slightly awkward little boy under his wing, and before long the two of them are cheating in a local football game.

Base Brawl

Base Brawl

At the zoo, the animals have all gone to play baseball. Animals fill the stands as they watch the antics that can only come about from exotic animals who play baseball.

Fright from Wrong

Fright from Wrong

The Ghostly Trio give Casper the Friendly Ghost a pill to make him as mean as they are.

As the Crow Lies

As the Crow Lies

Buzzy the Crow is about to be eaten by a cat but the cat has hiccoughs. Buzzy, of course, has a few home remedies he graciously shares with the cat but none of them cures the cat's problems. In fact, all of them add to the problem. So much so, that all nine lives of the cat goes to life at a time.

Zero the Hero

Zero the Hero

Zero the Dog, already a failure as a bloodhound or a retriever, is just as bad as a watchdog, and is frightened when a burglar appears. Casper the Friendly Ghost, unknown to Zero, comes to his aid and frightens the burglar away. Zero thinks he did it on his own, and gains back all of his lost self-respect.

Popeye Makes a Movie

Popeye Makes a Movie

Popeye and Olive prepare to make a movie while his nephews watch. The movie is a significant portion of Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves, which makes up over 80% of this release (beginning with Popeye, Olive, and Wimpy suffering in the desert), and despite admonitions, the nephews get involved a couple times, most notably tossing Popeye his can of spinach.

Ghost of the Town

Ghost of the Town

In this pun-title cartoon (from Toast of the Town) Casper, the friendly ghost, is banished from Ghost Town/Heaven/Territory, because he refuses to frighten living people.

Git Along Lil' Duckie

Git Along Lil' Duckie

The over-sized Baby Huey wants to join the little ducks in their cowboy game but they don't want him. A fox comes along and the ducklings flee and leave Huey to fight the enemy. The fox uses an exploding-cigar, a shotgun and dynamite against him but Huey is too tough and the fox winds up being the pursued.

Gobs of Fun

Gobs of Fun

The captain of a ship's crew, a mouse, goes to the bar to pick up his men. After forcing the initially reluctant sailors onboard, they set sail and hit the (literal) high seas. Spots gags abound such as a cook dumping the garbage overboard into a clam's mouth, the clam getting his revenge by climbing onboard and spraying the garbage back at the cook, and a running gag involving a bear who is splashed by his bucket of water each time he throws it overboard. Finally, we are invited to sing along to the old sea tune, "Strike Up the Band".

Better Bait Than Never

Better Bait Than Never

Katnip is trying to catch a really big fish, but is having no success.

Boo Moon

Boo Moon

Casper the Friendly Ghost comes to the aid of King Luna and his people after being attacked by invading Tree Men. On the 3D Bluray 3-D Rarities Volume 1, this appears as an extra in 3D.

Snooze Reel

Snooze Reel

Screen Song with spot gags about newsreels (including Paramount's own newsreel division).