Movies by Martin Gregor
Suttonský duch
Traja svedkovia
Moment kritického zaťaženia
Víťazný pád
Najvzdialenejšia hviezda na nebi
O ametystovom kvete
Sobota, nedeľa, pondelok
Štyri strany sveta
Pred západom slnka
Škola klebiet
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line
Polnoc bude o päť minút

Zenovo vedomie
Television adaptation of the novel by the Italian writer Italo Svevo. His hero is Zeno Cosini, the son of a merchant in Trieste. He is a type of useless person, defeated by life and incapable of action. The ironic insight with which the author draws a picture of the townspeople of Trieste at the turn of the century sounds like an accurate diagnosis of a social class that is doomed with its entire lifestyle and morality.
Karol Ketzer
Zlatá panna
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