Movies by Petr Vaněk
Plamen a dým aneb Tajné lásky a veřejné omyly poštovního úředníka V. V.

Jan Borna aneb Dokreslení Janka

Cesta do nemožna

Goldilocks and the Glorious Losers
Eight chapters on the disaster that ensues after a simple man signs a blank piece of paper when handed a pen.
Akáty bílé

A Soul to Redeem

Healing Waters
The Queen of the Waterland gives the King Juraj access to the water of life when his daughter is seriously ill. However, if the magic fluid falls into the wrong hands, it loses its power.
Balada o naději

This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.