Movies by Nikolai Binev

Stars in Her Hair, Tears in Her Eyes
This is a film about a traveling theatrical group in the beginning of 20th century. The itinerant troupe arrives in the little town, comprising several families, an eccentric student, an anarchist, all united by their love for theatre. The theatricals of 'Othello' are pending. All of a sudden, the performer of Desdemona falls ill. The local woman teacher plays in her stead. She makes a success and joins the troupe. The young woman travels with them along the dusty country roads and never gives up. Step by step she becomes a very good actress...
1944. The inhabitants of the house are strange. On the first floor is the owner - the lawyer. He expects as a close man to the government to enter the big politics soon. On the second floor resides a pro-Nazi doctor. There is an illegal printing press at the attic. Every day brings new challenges to the illegal printers. The lawyer decides to travel for the country. This distorts the plans of the illegal printers because they must move too. They meet the sunrise with a smile. Every day is joy to them - the fact that they are alive and they c...

Farewell, Friends!
Boev, an enthusiastic form master, is trying hard to establish rapport with his final-year students. His frankness, buoyancy and good nature soon make him a universal favorite. The only one who does not approve of him is headmaster who loves his job, but is not aware of how dated his own views are and cannot understand the young teacher. Apart from this, Boev comes in into particularly sharp conflict with his colleague and childhood chum Kiril who is consumed by jealousy and the ambition to get promoted quickly.