Movies by Eric Paul Erickson

When an alien race invades and begins to brainwash humans to carry out acts of destruction, the rest of humanity must rely on an untested giant robot to save the Earth.

Dam Sharks!
Voracious sharks use human bodies to build dams.

The Retrieval
In the rugged, solitary desert, an elite tactical retrieval team moves in on a small shack, on what they believe will be an ordinary mission. They couldn't be more wrong. Agents Mitchell and Simms- an elite two-man tactical insertion team- drop into place outside a solitary desert shack. Inside, lone gunman Adam watches over a shivering, feverish girl but he knows something is coming. With instructions to apprehend at all costs, Mitchell and Simms prepare to move in when everything goes sideways. They must complete their mission, but when it...

Arctic Apocalypse
A massive influx of glacial melting triggers a new ice age in the Northern Hemisphere, forcing a family to make their way across the ice-covered landscape before they are frozen out for good.

Jurassic Galaxy
In the near future, a ship of space explorers crash land on an unknown planet. They're soon met with some of their worst fears as they discover the planet is inhabited by monstrous dinosaurs.

Sheila Scorned
When Sheila Johnson accidentally messes up a major illicit deal, local kingpin Barry and his goons kidnap her from the club where she dances. Unfortunately for Barry and the men, Sheila also happens to be a psychopath with a plan of her own.