Movies by Hester Wilcox

Afghanistan 1979: The War That Changed the World

Afghanistan 1979: The War That Changed the World

'Afghanistan 1979: the war that changed the world', is a French documentary about the Sovjet invasion in Afghanistan in 1979. It was one of the most crucial events of the 20th century, and changed the world forever. This documentary gives a good insight in the Afghan-Russian war ; the alliance between the Russian and Afghan communist governments ; Islamic resistance ; the support of America for the resistance and its consequences on the war.

Lioness in Exile

Lioness in Exile

Soon after we meet Manyari, the queen of her pride, she does something both unusual and bold: She leaves the sanctuary of the clan with her young cubs and takes them on a dangerous odyssey. She makes a bid to escape because two young bloods are sniffing around, and if they take over the pride, they will kill her cubs

Something About Sydney Pollack

Something About Sydney Pollack

In this archival documentary, Sydney Pollack discusses his career and relationship with various actors, directors and producers. A large portion of the documentary examines Pollack and Robert Redford's friendship, as well as the various films they did together during the years.